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GASP by Room11 Architects >> in Tasmania, Australia

GASP by Room11 – Ribbon Walkway

A public walkway links and revives marginalised, but surprisingly beautiful sections of foreshore.

“We move on from nostalgic visions of place-making and embrace interstitial spaces with relish”.

Abundant birdlife and the silky surface of the river can be closely inspected as one walks the gentle arc which links an existing school, playground, major entrainment centre and rowing club. Punctuating the arc are two carefully crafted pavilions which offer shelter, seating and a location to pause and consider the water plane and sky.

The staged project was the result of a limited design competition in 2010. Subsequent stages are now under construction and include a concrete courtyard upon a redundant industrial platform. GASP! has been conceived as a ribbon along which contemporary art events and installations can occur, the new architecture is an important feature of this. Stage two is the penultimate gesture of the Glenorchy Art and Sculpture Park.  It is composed of architecture that responds to the scale of the surrounding landform.

Colour and architecture have been used as a vehicle for  re-evaluation and re-appreciation of place.  The re-forming of the shoreline embraces the expanse of Elwick Bay, the bay becomes integral to the experience, a unity has been created.

Photos by © Ben Hosking