All posts filed under: Landscape

Superkilen, Copenhagen | TOPOTEK + BIG + SUPERFLEX

An architectural collage of cultural identity. Superkilen is a half a mile long urban space wedging through Nørrebro, one of the most ethnically diverse and socially challenged neighborhoods in Copenhagen: the architectural competition asked for an urban park to address the underlying social issues of Nørrebro.

GASP by Room11 – Ribbon Walkway

GASP by Room11 Architects >> in Tasmania, Australia

A public walkway links and revives marginalised, but surprisingly beautiful sections of foreshore. “We move on from nostalgic visions of place-making and embrace interstitial spaces with relish”. Abundant birdlife and the silky surface of the river can be closely inspected as one walks the gentle arc which links an existing school, playground, major entrainment centre and rowing club. Punctuating the arc are two carefully crafted pavilions which offer shelter, seating and a location to pause and consider the water plane and sky.